Family Health Home Preparation Mental Health Wellness

Accentuate the Positive, Eliminate the Negative!

Keeping a positive outlook is important part of your well-being. Staving off negative energy is a vital part of preserving our energy levels, keeping them in a high, positive place. How does our environment, mainly our home, contribute to our energy levels? Is it possible that negative energy can be absorbed from your home? Absolutely. […]

Connections Fitness Health Joint Replacement Mental Health Weight Loss Wellness

Start Before You’re Ready

Since becoming a Personal Trainer and Corrective Exercise Specialist my goal has been to create personalized programs for my clients, geared toward improving their quality of life, their health and wellness and keep them in motion throughout their lifespan. My background as a Registered Nurse, takes into account the whole being, addressing not just physical […]

Connections Family Health Love Mental Health Wellness

What is Epilepsy?

What is Epilepsy? Epilepsy is a breakthrough phone call that wakes you up- no words necessary, because you know that the crash you thought you heard in your slumber was real, when it’s followed by a ringing phone… Epilepsy is realizing when your eyes adjust to the brightness of the phone’s screen in the midnight […]

Fitness Health Mental Health Nutrition Self Advocating Weight Loss Wellness

Transformation Tuesday

I am a sucker for a those before and after pictures on Instagram- you know, the ones of the folks who have completely changed their lives- a pic of them first looking not too thrilled, usually holding onto a few extra pounds- the after… huge smile, looking like they conquered the world! I wasn’t always […]

Family Mental Health

“Converts are the Worst…”

“Did she mean convicts are the worst?… Wait, what?” That’s what was going through my head as I had just shared a piece of my work, something I was very passionate and proud of, something that was meant to change lives. It was small, but meaningful, but a piece of me. And that was the […]

Family Mental Health Wellness

Fear Fuels the Fire

Fight or Flight… Fear can be downright crippling. Some people avoid fear at all costs. “No, I won’t walk down that street- it’s unfamiliar, dark, not the safest neighborhood… I’ll go the safer route.” The safer route, oh the proverbial “safer route.” I’m certainly not encouraging dangerous behaviors, but I am encouraging a step OUT […]

Grief Health Joint Replacement Mental Health Recovery Wellness

I get knocked down… But I get up again! Knee Surgery & Grief

One of the many topics covered in my psychology class in nursing school was grief. The patterns of grief we studied were laid out by a Swiss/American psychiatrist, her name was Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. She was a pioneer in her field of near-death studies. She wrote an incredible book on near-death experiences, called On Death and […]

Health Joint Replacement Mental Health Wellness

The Chaos, and Beauty of Change

Total Knee Replacement has been one of the best thing that has ever happened to me. What? Yes, you read that right.  It took the chaos of the recovery of bilateral joint replacement for me to appreciate the beauty that can be found in change- and how to embrace change for the best. The “me” […]

Health Joint Replacement Mental Health Recovery Self Advocating Wellness

Managing Expectations…

“This is not at all what I expected.” You’ve undoubtedly heard someone use the term “managing expectations,” right? Have you heard your doctor use that term? If you have, fantastic! Keep talking with that physician, explore options, and MANAGE EXPECTATIONS. Understand what their role, your role and the outcome of your situation is meant to […]

Connections Fitness Health Joint Replacement Mental Health Recovery Wellness

The Bee’s Knees

When you read the above caption, what comes to mind?  Romance?  That special someone? What about you?  That’s right- you- You, yourself…. Over the past month, I came in contact with two incredible women.  These two women reminded me about this message.  That it’s all about us.  We create our own destiny.  We have the […]