Family Mental Health

“Converts are the Worst…”

Did she mean convicts are the worst?… Wait, what?”

That’s what was going through my head as I had just shared a piece of my work, something I was very passionate and proud of, something that was meant to change lives. It was small, but meaningful, but a piece of me. And that was the reaction it has just elicited.

“Ha, your such a sucker. Um. I mean, well, you know… Converts are the worst.”

It was clear she did not like, buy in or understand what I was trying to do. I changed the subject. I was disappointed and second guessing myself. Maybe everyone who reads this work will think the same thing? Or maybe I misunderstood- maybe she’s really not talking about me at all… did she say convict or convert? Wait. What?

I hadn’t misunderstood anything. The conversation deteriorated. Became patchier and eventually we just changed the subject. I had changed far to much for her comfort. I was barely recognizable in her eyes.

Change is difficult. That’s not news to anyone. What is shocking to me for some reason, is the repeated, unsupported, blatant disregard of others decision to change. My observation is that it is fear that drives the disdain for change. Fear of being left behind, fear of the unknown that change brings.

There’s a quote I love… “Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” -George Addair

Fear cripples people from acting. What is so frightening? That you might live up to your dreams? That you might live up to your potential? That you could actually MAKE a difference?

I’ve noticed as I talk to more and more people from all different walks of life, and all different experiences…. those who have learned to harness fear long enough to see what is on the other side- are those that will be more successful, happy and fulfilled. They are the ones who will reach their goals. There is a peace that comes from the ‘other’ side of fear. That ‘in-between’ is a very dark place, and if they’ve managed to get back- a newfound clarity seems to come with it… and the sight to now be able to see how just about anything is possible if they just get out of their own way and do it.

One. Task. At. A. Time.

Nothing to Fear.

I had a “Three-Strikes-You-Didn’t-Get-This-Yet?” lesson on this personally….

It started with armed robbery, went on to a lengthy, difficult recovery from an orthopedic surgery, and culminated with a bad fall, on a hard tile floor, resulting in a head injury… a literal tap on the head from the man upstairs to wake me up….

That third strike woke me up, got me onto a path that has been full of change, discovery and growth.

Sure, I could have ignored yet another sign and kept on the path I was on. I could have done what was comfortable, the same old patterns. Change was necessary. There was more I was supposed to be, supposed to do, supposed to give. And it was all on the other side of fear.

I ignored the naysayers, and those that would scoff at my ideas. I kept moving forward. In the early years I had no idea what or where my path would lead me. I just knew I was on to something. My path became clear as time went on. If you let life lead you it will- I’m not saying in a lazy way- actively follow what you are passionate about.

How, you might ask? Look at your day. What in your day makes you feel most alive? Most happy? Do more of that. I kept asking myself that very question, day in, day out. I kept trying to find more and more time to do more and more of the things that made me happy. I began spending time only with people who lifted me up, not those who made me feel badly about myself or who drained me. I was careful about what and who I gave my time to. Period. This did not happen overnight, it was a slow, insidious process. But, overtime, I built a day to day that I was thriving in. I just kept following that path.

There were a few side affects of all of this change…. less fear, less tension, less anger… more smiles, more control, more happiness, more fruitfulness. Not bad. I think I’ll keep it up!

Every now and then I mix it up, do something really nutty. I feel like the bottom falls out a bit, things spin a little, the fear creeps in… and I remind myself (sometimes just before I loose it), it’s OK! You’ve got to loosen the reigns a bit, let go, relinquish control and level up! Chaos needs to set in every now and then, and again to unsettle things, keep you on your toes, and shake you (me) out of your (my) comfort zone. I have found it dangerous now to get too comfortable….

Embrace the fear… lean into change… and if they’re criticizing you, you’re probably doing something right.

Yeah, I guess “converts” are the worst! ❤

Be Well,


By Laurie Trezza

A Registered Nurse, turned Personal Trainer, with a specialization in corrective exercise, I bring a unique perspective to the world of fitness. I have journeyed through joint replacement, weight loss and other obstacles, all of these experiences shape the trainer I am today.

This concept was created out of a love and appreciation for movement. I'm sure you have heard the cliché, "You don't know what you've got 'till it's gone!" I kind of experienced that in reverse.... Let me explain...

As a little girl I truly despised running and moving quickly- any game that required speed and agility was just not for me. I gravitated to slower, low impact activities- movement was really just the worst. Why? My knees hurt after a short time of running or jumping. No one really knew what to tell me, they'd shrug it off and run away. I was just "no good" at sports. Despite my lack of fast motion, I did remain pretty active.... but those knees!

As I got into my college years, I finally went to a specialist. He refused to even image my knees. I was "too young" for any type of issue he said. "Take an anti-inflammatory, get some more exercise and ice afterwards. You'll be fine." he continued. That was not what I had been hoping to hear. Maybe I was oversensitive. Oh well.

I graduated from college, got my first job as a Registered Nurse on a busy telemetry unit in a large teaching hospital in the NYC metro area. I got married, a few years later had my first baby, then my second.... then number three (oh, and bonus! it was twins!!!!) Still... those knees.... worse, worse, and worse....

The final straw- at a party, I met another mom, also carrying twins, as we chatted about all things twin pregnancy related, she squatted down to the coffee table below us to retrieve a snack.... Whoa!!!! Her baby-filled belly was even larger than mine (she was further along than I was) and she got up and down like she was an American Ninja Warrior! There was no WAY I could do that with my knees!

Once the babies were born, and life was humming along at a relatively normal-insane pace, I found another orthopedist. He listened, imaged, and found that indeed, my knees were a disaster. For a number of years we played with all types of treatments to prolong the inevitable... total knee replacements.

The year I turned 40, I was given one of the best gifts ever... a pair of titanium and polyethylene prosthetic knees! The surgery was difficult and painful to recover from, but the results were truly life altering.

Since recovering from my total knee replacements (TKR's), I have re-discovered exercise and movement again. It does NOT have to hurt. Exercise and movement does not need to be high impact and harmful to your joints to be effective in changing your body composition and changing how you feel. Exercise and movement absolutely must be, a part of your life to keep you fit both physically and mentally.

Newton's law of physics... "A body in motion STAYS in motion."

I had no idea how impactful motion would be on my life, until I could move without pain. It has made such an incredible change for me, I decide to make it my livelihood.

I've tied my nursing background in with my life experience with joint replacement, and looped that with a certification in personal training and specialization in corrective exercise. I am focusing this work to help others like me- who may be struggling to regain motion and emotional control after a difficult surgery or other life-altering situation.

Physical activity is the most under-utilized antidepressant out there, and in my observations, it seems we have a society that is more depressed than ever. Focusing on movement to better the body, mind, and spirit, that's what my work is about.

Grab YOUR OpportuKNEEty and SHINE!