Connections Health Joint Replacement Mental Health Recovery Wellness

Gold Stars & North Stars: Survival Tactics

There are no Gold Stars for pain!

One of my favorite lines I preached to my patients as a hospital nurse… “There’s no Gold Star for pain!” Anytime I was given push back on taking medication for pain.  I always kind of envisioned giving my patients those gold foil stars, for a “job well done!” like our teachers used to put on our papers in school, way back when… remember those?!?

I was taught in nursing school that a body in discomfort will not heal as quick or as well as a body that is resting comfortably.  So my charge as a bedside nurse (as well as a gazillion other things) was to keep my patients as comfortable as possible, so their bodies could do their best job to heal.  Most of the time I could convince them to pop that pill.  At that point I had not yet been a patient myself.  I was drawing solely from my education, not from my actual experience of healing.

Fast forward to me being in that bed.  Tiny tubes running into the nerve space via my groin, bathing my raw nerves post-knee replacement surgery… I woke up from that surgery relatively comfortable.  I remember my surgeon peeking in on me a few hours after the procedure, I had been in and out of sleep, snoozing off the anesthesia. I heard him ask my husband how I was doing- and I remember- groggily, but happily lifting my legs up to show him my  new knees! Ahh!  “She’s going to feel that tomorrow!” he remarked.  All I knew at that point was, I was comfortable, and I was healing.  I pressed my button for more “juice” through my tubes when I heard his comment… ooops.  Maybe I shouldn’t have lifted those legs so high!

Day two post-op, not quite so sunny and happy, way more uncomfortable…. they had taken away my magic button… and wait, what? Get UP? Oh no. Take a pain pill? A pill? Is she kidding?  I need ten pills! Slow and steady wins the race.  I did not do well with the getting out of bed thing. It hurt.  A TON.  And then I remembered.  “There are no Gold Stars for pain.” What, was I insane? This pain nonsense is for the birds!  I paid close attention to the schedule of medication, even closer than I had been.  I made sure I asked for that pain pill 15 minutes before I needed it- I knew exactly what happened at those nurses stations and out on those hospital units- emergencies!  Someone else’s need could trump mine at any time- better to have a little wiggle room than mess up my pain and let it get ahead of me because it was a beast.  If I let this beast grow to large, I’d never get done what I needed to- getting out of bed.

Each and every day after that was much of the same- a constant battle of taming the beast- the pain, and tackling the task at hand- whatever stage of physical therapy I was in at any given moment.

About six weeks post-op, I went to refill my prescription for my pain medicine.  Six weeks, that’s just 42 days post surgery.  A surgery, let me remind you that cuts bone apart.  It takes, on average, six to twelve weeks for bone to knit back together, for it to heal.  So theoretically, I was likely about halfway to healed bones.  The pharmacist refused to refill the medication. (Say what?!?!)  He has that right professionally.  Of course, I had words with the pharmacist, explaining why I needed the medication, to continue my course of physical therapy. He felt I had been on the medication long enough.  He was concerned about me becoming addicted.  I left, found a new pharmacy and got my prescription renewed there.  I remained on that medication, for many more months.  I did not become addicted.  I used it as prescribed.  I needed less and less as time went on, but I DID need to to be successful at each session of therapy AND to sleep comfortably most nights.

Addiction is a real problem, a real issue. I applaud the pharmacist for being aware of that real issue.  BUT, pain is also REAL issue.  I watched other patients fail at physical therapy and require revisions to their knees, maybe not necessarily directly related to not tackling their pain adequately, but certainly in part to not being able to fully participate in their physical therapy sessions. Could that have been due to pain?  Possibly, there are other factors out of our control- infection, scar tissue formation, etc., that may have caused the need for a revision, every body is different. What the take away is here, is we, as patients, can do our best to control our pain, get the rest we need, remain hydrated and fed with healthy, nutritional foods that will build muscle and heal bone. That in turn, gives our therapists the best possible body to work with- helps us in turn to heal optimally.

I do believe being in pain directly decreases the effectiveness of  any situation, especially a physical therapy session.  You cannot be a motivated patient or even concentrate, if you are in pain.  Do you remember Brian Willams, a former NBC News anchor?  A few months after my surgery, he had one of his knees replaced.  He sat down for a 3 minute interview with Dr. Nancy Snyderman.  He talks about being a motivated patient- and how vital that is to recovery from this surgery.  He reminds us that this is elective surgery, and yes, we can go to our grave with bad knees, albeit in much pain- but this illness is not life threatening, so keep it in perspctive! Enter the North Stars.  He identifies folks he admires, folks who are brave and amazing.  Incredible individuals who  would never give up, no matter how dire the circumstances.  Those people, those North Stars helped him through those dark days of recovery, the days he just felt he could not do this anymore.  You will have days like that.  You will get through them. You are stronger than you think.  Remember your North Stars.

Let’s revisit surgery day again… when I opened my eyes in the recovery room, I kind of took a silent inventory.  I wiggled my arms, scrunched my nose… gingerly walked my fingers down my thighs to feel my bandages around my knees.  I laid very still to dial into listen to my body- as I mentioned before, I was not in much pain at all.  The Pain Management Team at the hospital I had my procedure at was super!   What I did notice immediately- something was missing- the dull, familiar, pulsing ache, deep in my knees… that was gone.  I think it worked!  No- I KNOW it worked!  From that moment, I KNEW, that sharp, acute surgical pain had nothing on me, that would eventually go away.  I did not have to live with chronic pain anymore!  I could do this, I would do this.  I was not sure how, I would figure that out later. For now, I was going to close my eyes and sleep it all off. That my friends was a Gold Star!

Be Well!


By Laurie Trezza

A Registered Nurse, turned Personal Trainer, with a specialization in corrective exercise, I bring a unique perspective to the world of fitness. I have journeyed through joint replacement, weight loss and other obstacles, all of these experiences shape the trainer I am today.

This concept was created out of a love and appreciation for movement. I'm sure you have heard the cliché, "You don't know what you've got 'till it's gone!" I kind of experienced that in reverse.... Let me explain...

As a little girl I truly despised running and moving quickly- any game that required speed and agility was just not for me. I gravitated to slower, low impact activities- movement was really just the worst. Why? My knees hurt after a short time of running or jumping. No one really knew what to tell me, they'd shrug it off and run away. I was just "no good" at sports. Despite my lack of fast motion, I did remain pretty active.... but those knees!

As I got into my college years, I finally went to a specialist. He refused to even image my knees. I was "too young" for any type of issue he said. "Take an anti-inflammatory, get some more exercise and ice afterwards. You'll be fine." he continued. That was not what I had been hoping to hear. Maybe I was oversensitive. Oh well.

I graduated from college, got my first job as a Registered Nurse on a busy telemetry unit in a large teaching hospital in the NYC metro area. I got married, a few years later had my first baby, then my second.... then number three (oh, and bonus! it was twins!!!!) Still... those knees.... worse, worse, and worse....

The final straw- at a party, I met another mom, also carrying twins, as we chatted about all things twin pregnancy related, she squatted down to the coffee table below us to retrieve a snack.... Whoa!!!! Her baby-filled belly was even larger than mine (she was further along than I was) and she got up and down like she was an American Ninja Warrior! There was no WAY I could do that with my knees!

Once the babies were born, and life was humming along at a relatively normal-insane pace, I found another orthopedist. He listened, imaged, and found that indeed, my knees were a disaster. For a number of years we played with all types of treatments to prolong the inevitable... total knee replacements.

The year I turned 40, I was given one of the best gifts ever... a pair of titanium and polyethylene prosthetic knees! The surgery was difficult and painful to recover from, but the results were truly life altering.

Since recovering from my total knee replacements (TKR's), I have re-discovered exercise and movement again. It does NOT have to hurt. Exercise and movement does not need to be high impact and harmful to your joints to be effective in changing your body composition and changing how you feel. Exercise and movement absolutely must be, a part of your life to keep you fit both physically and mentally.

Newton's law of physics... "A body in motion STAYS in motion."

I had no idea how impactful motion would be on my life, until I could move without pain. It has made such an incredible change for me, I decide to make it my livelihood.

I've tied my nursing background in with my life experience with joint replacement, and looped that with a certification in personal training and specialization in corrective exercise. I am focusing this work to help others like me- who may be struggling to regain motion and emotional control after a difficult surgery or other life-altering situation.

Physical activity is the most under-utilized antidepressant out there, and in my observations, it seems we have a society that is more depressed than ever. Focusing on movement to better the body, mind, and spirit, that's what my work is about.

Grab YOUR OpportuKNEEty and SHINE!